royalty-free-moneySince my last income report back in June 2012 I have made more sales. I now have 12 finished tracks, but only at pond5, revostock and productiontrax are all of them uploaded. These are my total earnings since I started composing and selling stock music in February 2012

Pond5 has sold 5 tracks – $97
Revostock has sold 7 tracks – $106
Productiontrax has sold 7 tracks – $245
AudioMicro has sold 1 track – $14
Affiliate earnings from the music libraries – $54

In total $516 in sales

The process of staying focused to get results

To be honest, when it comes to my project of composing and selling stock music, I’m kind of disappointed. Not because of the number of the uploads / sales ratio, but with myself. I have in no way completed and uploaded as many tracks as I set out to do. This is clearly reflected in the results.

  • Firstly 12 tracks are in no way enough to make some decent cash.
  • Secondly if no work on promotion is done the chances of making sales are much lower.

When I started this project I had a quite ambitious a plan of completing a track every third day. If I had done that I would have had 100 tracks by now. Looking at the $516 above each track has made me an average of $43 in a year. Multiply that by a 100 tracks and it would have been $4300 instead.

Also my project of promoting my music using a niche website has come to a hold. I simply got tired of working on it and the site has therefore not given any results. I might spend some time on the niche site in 2013, but my main focus will be on composing and uploading new tracks.

So get on with it – make some stock music!

I 2012 I spent a lot of time on my other projects (affiliate niche websites) and have achieved very good results. This however does not change the fact that I was planning to compose a lot of music as well. I had the time to compose, but spend it on something unimportant.

Procrastination has reared its ugly head and made it hard to get the compositions finished and uploaded. When no one is around to tell you to get on with it, it can be difficult to stay focused – even in projects where we work with something we love.

This year I have to get my act together and start getting more music out there. I have in no way abandoned this project and in 2013 my goal is to get to a total of 50 tracks online. This should absolutely be possible –  I just have to remind myself how good it fells when you get  an email with the title “You’ve had a sale!”

I wish you all the best of luck in composing and selling lots of great music in 2013 🙂

[starrater tpl=10]