Productiontrax has so far been a good experience for me. They are able to make some sales and don’t even review submissions – Productiontrax is open for all.

Productiontrax are now closed. I guess they failed to renew their service and website. Sad to see them go.

At Productiontrax you can set your own prices and they have a feature where you can pay for top search listings at I have tried this feature myself a few times and have had a few sales, while it was running.

I’m not sure if the sales were a direct result of the top search listings, as the stats don’t tell you where the sale came from.

Uploading tracks can be irritating

If you forget a field or make a mistake when titling, describing and tagging a track, nothing in the form is remembered. Also their forum is strangely empty and often filled with spam made by bots. The part of the site the buyers see is nice though.