Productiontrax has so far been a good experience for me. They are able to make some sales and don’t even review submissions – Productiontrax is open for all.
Productiontrax are now closed. I guess they failed to renew their service and website. Sad to see them go.
At Productiontrax you can set your own prices and they have a feature where you can pay for top search listings at I have tried this feature myself a few times and have had a few sales, while it was running.
I’m not sure if the sales were a direct result of the top search listings, as the stats don’t tell you where the sale came from.
Uploading tracks can be irritating
If you forget a field or make a mistake when titling, describing and tagging a track, nothing in the form is remembered. Also their forum is strangely empty and often filled with spam made by bots. The part of the site the buyers see is nice though.
I just began to upload my tracks there… hope to sell something! 🙂
just one question: does they send a email after a sale?? pond5 and revostock do… should i expect something also from PT or should I simple check the website once in a while?
Productiontrax can send you an email when you have had a sale, but I think you have to enable it yourself in your profile.
i’ve been with these guys and pond5 for about a year. both have had about the same sales…. less than $300 last year.
I have just uploaded a bunch of tracks on PT. a total of about 45. let’s see if they drive some sale…
Anyone know what’s up with ProductionTrax?? I used to sell at least one song a month and haven’t had a sale since May.
They changed their search algorithm around May. It’s the same for me, I also used to get sales, but now my views are down to 4-6 a day compared to 10-25 before. No sales since the beginning of May.
Seems number of sales or something are much more important than before. Perhaps the total number of previous tracks sales plays a role. Hard to figure out.
never had a sale here!
i have about 2-10 views per day.
have you tried premium listing? i was tempted to try for one song but i’m dubious…
I thought about going for some premium listings, but I will probably wait until I get a sale so I don’t have to register my credit card. And as you I think there is very little info on how exactly the premium listings work.
I’ve had one extended license sale on ProductionTrax so far after several months. My views are around 5-10 per day with 20 tracks there. I’m starting to think is you have less than 100 tracks anywhere your chances are slim. Tryng the War of Art philosophy but so far I can’t crank out tracks that I’m happy with as fast as I’d like too.
Yes, is really hard to get noticed among the thousands of tracks. I therefore try to send direct traffic from other sources like YouTube, but this also takes time to do.
One thing that helps me make new tracks faster is to take a close listen to some of the best selling tracks at the libraries. I then make something in the same style and use the existing tracks as a reference. I’m for example not very experience in making drum rhythms and having a track to use as a reference makes it so much faster to for me to do some decent drum rhythms.
Also the overall instrumentation on tracks is very useful to listen to. I then don’t have to re-invent all the instrumental combinations that has worked many times before. As I go along my tracks end up sounding quite different, but the time spent creating them are much less. Works for me anyway.
How many tracks have you got so far in total?
any idea how their search algorithm works now? i have over 100 tracks and zero again this month. my best sites so far are audiojungle, revostock, musicase and pond5
I have 21 tracks at Productiontrax, Audiosparx, Revostock, TuneSociety and Luckstock. I have another 11 tracks exclusively at AudioJungle. I started out good at AJ with 4 sales right off the bat, but what I noticed is that new composers need to keep uploading tracks on a regular basis to keep getting sales till you can climb the heap but there’s alot of tracks going up there.
I too would much rather make money doing music, I always have including the rock star dreams in my youth. I came across the library thing only recently and was surprised how it is kinda similar to IM. IM wore me out as I was doing the spinning thing, creating tons of feeder sites, making links all day etc. My heart wasn’t into it…
I have no idea about the algorithm David.
The whole spinning thing – been there too and like you quit. It was a real pain to do and uploading lots of spun articles all over the net was just not very productive.
Now I focus on 3-4 websites where I help people out. It’s still not that interesting compared to composing music, but in general it makes much more sense to work on something that I can vouch for.
And like you say all business has to do with selling. Sell, sell, sell! I might write a post on that as we can’t get around it no matter what business we choose to work on 🙂
I just had two sales and have now bought premium listings for 4 of my best selling tracks on ProductionTrax for 2 months. Let’s see if the sales picks up. 🙂
still zero sales here… but views per days are pretty constant between 5 and 15.
let us know about premium listing! i’m tempted to use it for 1-2 tracks…
i haven’t had a single productiontrax sale since may. odd. i tried their premium option a few times and saw no increase in sales. have almost thought of going exclusive with audiojungle simply because i always sell more there, although at lower commission.
After 3 months of no sales, I finally got a sale this month on Productiontrax!. AND… just noticed that in August I had an extended sale with API Network. States that amount will be added to next month’s balance. Any idea what API Network is???
I asked Productiontrax about API sales. Here’s what they said.
The API Network is made up of companies that use our global distribution API to license and use tracks. The API allows them to view track information and previews, and then purchase downloads. API sales are sales made through our API partners. They are automatically credited to your balance the following month. For example, an API network sale made in October will appear on your November statement, and will be paid around December 21 with the rest of your regular November sales.
I have had two sales at Productiontrax this month. Both of them was on the premium listings, which I bought for 4 of my best selling tracks on their site.
It’s impossible to see if the sales were a direct result of the premium listings, but my plan is to keep buying the premium listings for as long as I keep getting sales.
Interesting. I have done the premium thing before but never saw any difference. BTW, I had to wide license sales on Productiontrax last month. Both songs were used in an iBook about Gettysburg PA for the iPad. Pretty cool!
Most of my sales at Productiontrax are wide licenses so I’m very happy with them. Also the commission split is one of the best out there 😀
i have tried to put 3 tracks on premium listing just today
for now still 0 sales with about 40 tracks, even if i get 3-10 views per days.
hmm, i can’t figure that out either. i used to sell several each month with productiontrax….now this month zero so far. did they change something? same thing is going on with pond5. in fact, so far, this month is now my lowest month total since i started selling on about a dozen sites. i guess folks are using their $$$ for xmas gifts? 🙂
for now i had no significant increase of views for my tracks
i don’t think i will continue with the premium listing and i will not bother to upload new trax here…
I had no sales last month on productiontrax even with the premium listings on 4 tracks. Not sure if I will go for premium again, but will probably give premium a last shot next time I have a sale.
And like you if I have no sales at all I will stop uploading new tracks at most libraries.
Same thing here. No success at all with Production Trax, even with 3 premium listings. I got more views, but no sales. It’s been a decent month for me on Audiojungle, but I still have very few tracks, so my numbers are not very significant. Too bad Audiojungle provides a ridicolously low share of commissions, for non-exclusive authors like me.
I know what you mean about AJ. I created another exclusive account with them featuring shorter 30-60 sec tracks to see if they would sell more. Only sold 3 tracks in Nov.
Like you guys, I had no sales with Productiontrax in Nov which is unusual. Below were my total sales for the month… lower than my average of $225/mo. Notice how AJ continues to bring in the most. I may drop some of these that have had no sales all year like 909 Music, Zukkio, Tunesociety, Million Ducks, BuyStockSound and YouLicense.
NOVEMBER 2013 $130
909 Music:
Film Music Network:$
Million Duck:
Productiontrax: $
Tunefruit: $
Actually my math was wrong… should be a total of $148
Good grief… should be $128!!
views on production trax increase to about 25-30 per day on the past week after the premium listing but still no sales at all!
First sale today on production trax!!
The premium listing was finished but I sold a track
Licence type a and more or less 12.5$ for me
Will I get them next month?? The minimum amount should be 5$ right??
Congrats on the first ProductionTrax sale. I think they pay every month 🙂
Please Can you write me how much the premium listing gets money from us for a song at the end of the month. I didnt see any article to understand what is premium listing and what is the price they get from us. Where can I learn it, and can anyone tell me who used premium listing, how much money did you give for a song?
it’s been a long time since I tried premium listing at ProductionTracks, so i cant tell what it costs now. When I tried it years ago, the payout was the same as when a track was sold in regular search. You just get a better placement on their site and thereby more views.
you’ll get 65% which should be about $8.12!! enough for a burger and fries!!
Excellent Matteo, congrats!!
Speaking of Production Trax … I just noticed something. The tracks are not watermarked, you probably noticed this already. Not only, but if you’re a customer you can download the entire track, non watermarked, for free. The quality is supposed to be “lower” (it doesn’t say how low, maybe 128 or less, I dont know), but honestly it sounds relatively good to me … it’s probably not usable for commercial uses, but it seems very usable for other uses .. Now, I dont know about you, but this bothers me quite a bit. The other strange thing, is that if you go to the edit page of any song, at the top, you can listen to a watermarked preview of your song .. but, as I said, the watermarked version doesnt seem to “go” anywhere. Customers can just listen (and download!!) un-watermarked songs.
By the way, my tracks sell reasonably well on other libraries, but I have absolutely NO sales at all at PT, even though I do have a lot of “views” on my tracks. It’s quite strange to have a lot of views and no sales … I wonder if many of those viewers just download the free track, and that’s it … what do you think? Am I missing something here?
Most of the sales I had on Productiontrax are wide license sales and in general I believe that people will pay for the music. It’s like when you sell pictures online – there is now way you can make sure that people just don’t copy the pictures after a quick Google image search and use them on their own site.
People know its illegal and also most think its fair to pay for the music or pictures they use. Therefore I don’t worry to much someone downloading a low quality track 🙂
I had a nice number of sales at ProductionTrax before they changed their search algorithm, so the customers are on the site, the hard part is to get to the top of the search results…
3 unexpected sales yesterday! i have sold three of my logos for 15€ each (license B), they were not included in the premium listing, which however was stopped in january!
Good for you 🙂 The buyers are there it is just very hard to get noticed on Productiontrax.
Finally!!! Today I’ve had my first sale on Productiontrax.
Unbelievable. I sold something pretty much everywhere in the last 6 months, but never on PT, not even one track. Nothing (and I bought the premium option more than once … not worth it, by the way, for me at least).
I was really having a hard time understanding why … but today the miracle happened. And it’s a license B, pretty nice 🙂 Now, I hope I don’t sell just one track every 6 months there .. 🙂
Congrats! I used to sell at least one track per month consistently with them but even with new tracks have had zero sales since October. Something has changed….
Same here – no sales at all for 5 months. I have not uploaded much new music at productiontrax, but since their on-site search algorithm change may 2013 sales has come almost to a halt.
There is a watermark with Productiontrax but it’s so low you can hardly hear it when the music is loud enough. I used to get great sales with PT but of late it’s been a steep slump down. No idea why.
Productiontrax used to be one of my best libraries for sales. Now I rarely get one. Same with Revostock and Musicase. Wonder why? Pond5 is still pretty good each month but Audiojungle continues to be the best for sales…. but the worst for commission.
It’s the same for me David. Productiontrax and Revostock used to make decent sales, but know they don’t. Pond5 is the best performer overall as is has brought in sales on regular basis since the say I signed up.
I recently got accepted by AudioSparx, but their tagging system is just hopeless. Takes forever to just get one track done so only 4 tracks tagged on AudioSparx so far.
Someone know what happened with revostock? i have tracks in review queue since 3 months. It looks like out of the game.
I´m trying the premium listings in PT with one track. I´ll say you the results here.
revostock has problems in paying what’s due to authors:
I left the library a while ago, when they raised the minium payable amount. so i do not have these problems…
reg. PT, i tried premium listing but with absolutely no results.
From a filmmaker standpoint: I found the track I wanted and purchased it… BUT… I did not realize you specify at the time of the order whether you get to download an MP3 file or a WAV file. I specified an MP3 file. My bad. I reached out to Customer Service. They added the WAV as a separate download within 10 minutes of my Customer Service request. So kudos on that!