If you want to create orchestra or soundtrack style music like I do, there are a lot of products to choose from. I spend a lot of time researching what software to choose and ended up buying Complete Composers Collection from East West Quantum Leap.

Complete Composers Collection

In the standard version of Complete Composers Collection you get the following product selections:

  • Symphonic Orchestra Gold
  • Pianos Gold
  • Symphonic Choirs
  • Goliath
  • Stormdrum 2
  • Voices of Passion
  • Ra

A part of Complete Composers Collection is Symphonic Orchestra Gold (also sold separately). This where I find most of the instruments I use in my compositions. Symphonic Orchestra Gold gives your strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion.

I often use the samples from Stormdrum 2 as well but for a start you can do without. Symphonic Orchestra Gold has a decent percussion section – also with a couple of big drums to incorporate into your compositions.

Why choose Symphonic Orchestra Gold as your first virtual orchestra?

First of the samples are of great quality and there are a lot to choose from. In other words you get a complete symphonic orchestra in a single pack. I can find no other software in the price range that offers this many instruments in such a high quality.

So for me it was a clear what I needed to get started. If you can’t afford the entire Complete Composers Collection go for Symphonic Orchestra Gold. With this virtual orchestra library you will be able to make tracks that beat John Williams – if you got the skills.

What to hear what the samples sound like?

Just hit the big green play button in the left menu in the section called “My stock music tracks”. Every track is made primarily using instruments from Symphonic Orchestra Gold.